

The Mini

Wedding day images with print release.

6 hours of coverage - $1995
4 hours of coverage - $1495
2 hours of coverage - $795

Full Day

Coverage includes
2 hours before ceremony of getting ready,
ceremony, park and reception.

Wedding day images with print release.


Everything session

Heart & Soul

Coverage includes 2 hours before ceremony of getting ready,
ceremony, park and reception.

Engagement Session or $150 print credit.

Wedding day images with print release.

2 photographers


Servicing Central New York for over 35 years.

We cover the Central New York area including Syracuse, Skaneateles, Watertown, Pulaski, Utica, Oneida, Geneva, Rochester, A-Bay.
Some areas may not include travel. ​

Listed are some of the options we offer. We can also customize a package to your needs. Non-Saturday and off season discounts are available. Let's chat.

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